Our employees are our most valued resource. You can count on FBP to continue to invest in high-quality people, as well as advanced technology, training, and other resources that allow all our professionals to make sound decisions for the benefit of our clients.

We offer a wealth of information about our firm, our investments and holdings, results, and industry information to our clients and future clients. If you would like a print copy of any of the information offered here, contact us and we will be happy to send it to you.

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Please send me the following information:

Strategy Information

Equity Dividend Plus Factsheet
Large Cap Value Factsheet
Strategy Highlights – Value Balanced
ADV Part 2
Form CRS
Privacy Policy

Investment Results

Strategy Performance Report – 3/31/24
Performance Disclosure Statement

Market Commentaries

1st Quarter 2024
4th Quarter 2023
3rd Quarter 2023
2nd Quarter 2023

White Papers

Active vs. Passive Investing
How to Support Your Clients with a Plan for Success
Use the Power of Language to Manage Clients
Can Market Indices Be More Effective Portfolio Benchmarks?

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The composite results shown are for Flippin, Bruce & Porter’s institutional composite and do not reflect performance of accounts through which Flippin, Bruce & Porter acts as sub-advisor. Net of fee results reflect the deduction of institutional fees. Fees associated with lower minimum sub-advised accounts may be substantially higher than institutional fees. For product-specific information, refer to your firm’s manager profile for details on gross and net of fee performance of those accounts.

Furthermore, Flippin, Bruce & Porter is solely responsible for the content on this website. The sponsoring firm in which Flippin, Bruce & Porter has a sub-advisory relationship has not reviewed or verified the accuracy or completeness of its content and is not responsible for any statements included herein.